Saturday, December 1, 2012

Another Coral Trout, more light game fishing.

Landed this beauty right at the start. That makes 2 days in a row I've landed such a fish on jig- yesterday and today.
The usual Saturday trip this time, and after yesterday's exciting short trip, Matt, Ian, Bryan and I were fired up for some light game fishing action.

The weather didn't look good to begin with, but we continued fishing, and the resulting fishing frenzy was thoroughly enjoyable. Now I've gotta go rest my bruised ribs.

Checking that the fish are there, in my holy shirt - the fish can't resist that shirt.
After opening accounts with a nice coral trout, similar to the one I caught the previous day, there was a short quiet period when we waited for a storm to pass. Then the real action began.

Matt fights a strong fish.
Again, amidst the many Queenfish caught and released, Matt caught his first metal jig GT and a nice Goldspot.

Matt with his usual face, and his first GT on Metal Jig.
Bryan and his new record 12 pound GT.
Everyone caught good fish, and all Queens and GTs were returned to the ocean to fight again another day. Ian finally broke the jinx on his popping gear and landed a couple of strong fighters on popper.

Big Sagais were the order of the day.
The Sagais were cooperating and we brought around 7 fish home for dinner - to be split among 4 anglers.

Driving back while enjoying a beautiful sunset.
The fishing and the company was great! We'll be back.