Saturday, February 9, 2013

Big Golden Snapper and GTs... Brother back for CNY

Caught this big Golden Snapper on Chinese New Year's Eve... short morning trip 

My brother Jason came back to Singapore over this CNY period itching for a trip to big fish land, Southern Islands, so we managed a few short trips. One was last Saturday with Bryan, Nadine and Kings, when we were going for bottom dwellers so that we could have fish for our reunion dinners. Well, we landed enough.

My brother and I, about to set off. Bryan and Nadine with some enthusiastic photo-bombing.
Using our secret bait and technique, we caught some nice Parrots and other Reef fish. Nadine did hook onto a freight train that thundered away, and we didn't get to see the fish.

Nadine with a fat Spanish Flag Snapper... typical reef fish.

Hunter Stick in Action... Go Kings!!
Here's what Kings landed. Dinner.

Here's last Saturday's Champ Jason with two nice reunion dinner fish. Strong fish.
On CNY Eve, we decided to slip in a few hours of fishing in the morning cos the tide was good, and it turned out to be an excellent trip, with my Giant Golden Snapper turning up to give me a nice surprise on metal jig. This time, David, Kings and Bryan joined in. We caught and released several small to mid sized Giant Trevally which gave us good light game fishing until one big GT decided to kill my reel. Looks like I have to search for a stronger reel.

Jason releases one of the small GTs.

Here I am, releasing the reel buster GT. A real tough fighter.

Here's a pic of one of the larger GTs. Wonderful fish on light gear, only if your gear is tough enough, as I found out today.

This fish killed my reel, aargh! But I released him for his efforts. In fact, we release all GTs.
After the light sport fishing, we went for some reef fish and landed a few, including some nice Parrots again.

David landed this even after it managed to hide in a reef. He waited patiently and the fish eventually came out.
Overall, the catch was great, and I'm sure my brother will be dreaming of catching a Giant Snapper or GT even when he's back in Canberra. Here's wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year 2013!!! Nian Nian You Yu!!!

Jason with a small GT, around 2.5 kilos.