Saturday, April 5, 2014

Jigging trip with Bryan and Kings

Catch of the day - a beautiful Coral Trout
The weather was not good in the morning, so we waited on shore for a while, and finally headed out in the afternoon. Still not keen to use bait, we decided to use metal jigs this time. Armed with our $4 cast fighters, we hit the spot with anticipation.

It didn't take long before we started landing reef fish like big Parrots and Spanish Flag Snappers before a nice Coral Trout appeared. That made my day.

Then Bryan and Kings got in on the action with a school of Giant Trevally below the boat. All GTs and Queens were released to fight another day. Hassan managed to get Hazlan to join us for a while, but all was fine and in the evening when the current slowed down, we cruised back to the boatyard with aching arms and a pretty decent overall catch.

Light game action on metal jigs - our local GTs sure give a good fight!