Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bert and the Bees

Albertus brought his colleagues and friends along for what was supposed to be a simple day out hunting for a nice catch for dinner, but some bees decided to re-write the script. Here's what happened.

After getting food and drinks from the Punggol Sheng Siong, we trooped down to the marina. There were two Andres, Merwyn, Bert, Rachel and me. Seeing that the boat was already in the water, we proceeded to load up the stuff, and that was when I noticed one or two bees buzzing around me and I saw one landing on the seat and crawling underneath it. I found it very strange, so I lifted the seat cushion up and got the shock of my life! There was a bees' hive on my boat, just under my seat, and there must have been thousands of bees!


The aftermath of the fogging and spraying down with water - a pile of bees.

Sounding the alert, I told everyone to quickly head back to the shelter while I tried to solve the problem. It took some time before the proper equipment came along, but with the help of Ong and a fogging machine, the boat was brought back onto land, fogged and sprayed down with water. It actually took about three hours before the boat was cleared of bees.

The patient anglers waiting on shore were still glad to be able to go fishing, though it was already lunch time. While clearing the honeycomb from under my seat, I got stung by two remaining guards, but fortunately, they were just honeybees. With only half a day left, I was just hoping to get a decent fish to cook for dinner at Great Atlantis.

Fortunately, the fish were in a cooperative mood and Rachel was the first to land a nice Golden Snapper. Even before we managed to settle down after taking some pictures, Andre landed a Barramundi. Dinner was settled.

A Tiger Garoupa like this always makes a nice dinner dish. Yum!

In fact, the fish kept on coming and we landed another bigger Golden Snapper, a few more Barramundi and I landed a nice fat Tiger Garoupa. I think we had more than enough for dinner, yeah!

Two of the Golden Snappers went for Teochew Steamed while a Barramundi was Hong Kong Steamed. Good food and new friends always go well together!

Though we only had a half day to fish after the misadventure with the bees, we had a nice catch and I had made some new friends. The dinner at Great Atlantis, as expected, was wonderful!