Saturday, April 6, 2013

Simple southern fishing trip with Fau, Ismail, Bryan and some terrible weather.

It was another Saturday, and as everyone knows, Saturday is fishing day!

This time, Fau, Ismail, Bryan and a terrible thunderstorm came along to make it a wet and wild trip. In the end, the fish still cooperated. When we arrived at RSYC at 9am, it was threatening to rain, but we still launched the boat and started moving out of the marina. About 500m out, we saw a huge black cloud sweeping in from the west and the wind started picking up, so I turned the boat around and headed back to the marina for some shelter. What a good idea it was! I even managed to take a short nap.

Taking a short nap at the marina while a huge storm swept by out at sea.
After waiting for about 2 hours, the weather looked clear enough for a second attempt and we managed to head to some sheltered water around Pulau Hantu before another huge cloud appeared from the West. This time, we couldn't avoid the heavy downpour. Out came the raincoats and we braved the storm while the rain started coming in horizontal sheets and lightning flashed all around us. Everything turned white around the boat and visibility was down to only a few meters at some points. Scarily, this lasted for a pretty long time.

After a few hours, the sky started clearing and we dared to begin fishing again. It was already rather late in the day by then, and out came the jigs. Almost immediately, in 7 meters of water, I lost a monster which I could not even stop on 40 pound line. It could have been a monster garoupa, but I felt like I had hooked onto the MRT or something like that. Anyway, not to be disheartened, we continued fishing and were finally rewarded with some nice fish in shallow water around Pulau Hantu.

Bryan opened accounts with a nice Javelin on jig
Even Fau and Ismail got in on the action with some nice reef fish like parrots and Spanish flag snappers.
Then I got busy as a school of Trevally came by.

Big Longfin Trevally always make my day. We landed s number of these.
Caught several trevally and we even had a few double hookups. Then some GT came to give us some sporting action (we released all the GTs) and we decided to call it a day after the arms started to ache from fighting all these strong fish. Even Ismail had a chance to fight one of the Trevallies I had hooked up.

Double Hookup of Sagai and GT. Kept the Sagai, released the GT.
Bad weather almost ruined our day, but the fish and the company definitely made my Saturday complete, as usual.