Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dog Rescue Caught on Video!

I was out on a boat fishing trip with my buddies around Singapore's North Eastern waters when one of my friends spotted something strange far out in the middle of the sea. He said there was a guy swimming out in the sea. I thought he was kidding at first, so I laughed at him. I said that the current was too strong at that time for a swim. He then looked very serious and insisted that I take a look for myself.

True enough, when I focused on where he was pointing, I realized that something was struggling in the current out there, swimming in circles. I looked on and it suddenly dawned upon me that there was a dog struggling out there!

Immediately, we started stomping our feet, shouting and clapping our hands to get the dog's attention and I needed to see if it could swim towards us. If not, I would immediately drive my boat over to pick him up. Fortunately, the dog noticed us and I could see him clearly making progress and coming nearer. That's when I took out my phone camera and started filming it. Of course I was clapping my hands and filming so the video quality isn't that great, but the dog comes first.

When it came near, I realized that it had a collar and looked very familiar. It was too weak to climb on board by itself and it had clearly exhausted the last bit of its energy just to reach us. I did not hesitate to immediately drop my phone and reach half into the water to carry him up. It was then that I realized I had met this dog before, at one of the fish farms far up current from us. 

He was returned safely to his worried owner, who thought that he had fallen into the sea and was never coming back again. Fortunately this valiant fighter made it back alive... tired, but alive.