Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2013 September to December Catches

Well, here's a quick update of my catches around local waters. The Southern Islands saw a nice Trevally run, with some trips producing non-stop action. The big Garoupas were in as usual in December, with one of them bagging my boat the Third Position in a Punggol boat fishing competition. Caught a nice Patin at 16.6 kilos in a fishing competition and came in First Position. Some other nice catches. The wind has been rather strong lately... maybe that's why the fish are biting. Let the pics do the talking.

December 2013

Caught a nice fat Tiger Garoupa during the Punggol boat fishing competition.
Hokkien Pro landed a fat Garoupa too. This clinched 3rd Place in the Punggol Competition.
First garoupa caught during the Punggol boat fishing competition almost immediately.
The Southern Islands were not to be outdone. Sagai season brought in nice Trevally and Selar. Ridwan looks victorious.
Brought my nephews out to the south too, during the hols, and they both landed nice fish on their new rods.
2013 November - nice holiday season fishing

This 16 kilo Patin put up a great fight and won me the First Position in a Freshwater fishing competition.
Brought the kids out for some sea air. Here's a small stingray which we released.
The kids love coming on the boat. Here's a small Snapper for ya.
Joey came on board at the Southern boat and we landed some nice fish like parrots and Garoupas.
Garoupas galore during the November period in our Southern waters. So many of them around this time.
In our Southern waters, November's a great time for fishing. Didn't want to go back cos the fish were biting till sunset.
Haha, my first Cambodian fish caught at a fishing pond in Phnom Penh.

October 2013 was also wonderful. Made some new friends and caught some great fish!

Ran into a school of Reddies. Erwin holds one up for the camera.
Albertus caught this for dinner. Yum Yum.

Ubin seems to be full of Kims. Here's another one for dinner.
Typical simple Ubin catch where we were just aiming to hit a few fish for dinner.
The highlight of an October Ubin fishing trip... dinner at Great Atlantis with several of our self-caught fish.
September 2013 had great weather, great friends and great fish too!

Southern Islands in September is Big Parrot season. They seem to be everywhere!!!
Caught this big Pink Tilapia from my own pond, haha. Great harvest time!
Ubin Barramundi are always willing to entertain my friends.
Here's another Ubin Kim for dinner.
You know an Ubin trip would not be complete without dinner at Great Atlantis using some of our catch.
Well that's all for this update. 2014 is here. Wishing everyone a Great New Year! And Gong Xi Fa Cai Nian Nian You Yu!!!