Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ubin trip with Uncle Frank, Isaac and Matthew

Uncle Frank, Isaac and Matthew joined me for a comfortable trip to Ubin to target the Three Kings - Barra, Snapper and Garoupa.

After Matt lost a few fish he was unable to handle because of the sheer brute strength of the fish, I lost a nice Barramundi at boatside after I tried to land the fish without the landing net - my mistake.

Caught plenty of small, useless fish until the first of the Three Kings showed up - a nice fat Garoupa (see pic above, with Matthew).

The Golden Snapper arrived shortly after, with the sky starting to turn black. (See pic above, with Isaac.)

Finally, to complete the collection of the Three Kings, a gleaming Barramundi came along. Matt was all smiles about this fish. It was his first wild Barramundi.

Soon, the sky turned black and menacing, and we decided to head back to shore early to avoid the bad weather. What a good choice it was! Shortly after washing the boat at Punggol, it started raining cats and dogs.