Monday, January 2, 2006

2006 Friends' Writing Contributions

I started a small contributions section from 2004 to 2006, and a few friends emailed their stories to me. I just cut and pasted them here for all to enjoy.

Daniel contributes a report here on his Australian adventures in April 2006

A mighty Mulloway... read Daniel's story below on how he landed this bugger

Hi Conrad,
Just came back from a 4 day fishing trip. The weather wasn't fantastic as it was hit with a cyclone but nevertheless we had the first 2 days of boat fishing and the rest of the 2 days were on shore fishing.
Day 1 we caught a pretty good variety of the highest eating quaility fish as you can see from the day1 picture. We had Dhufish (10kg and 9kg) and baldchin grouper("sou mei")(3kg),Amberjack 10kg and some other snappers and cods.I lost a monster that day, 150lb,using owner 3/0 hooks and putting 16kg of pressure and had the hook straighten. It happen just after I landed the Amberjack.

Day 2 wasn't a good day as we had only a 8.5kg dhufish, a 3kg coral trout and a 4 kg parrot fish. We went in the wrong direction as we were hoping to find new grounds and thus wasted a lot of fishing time.

Day 3 was interesting as I had never really did any beach fishing in Kalbarri as most of my trips were on the boat. That day the wind was 24 knots and the swell was 3m high. Thus no choice but had to do beach fishing as my hand was itchy. Anyway from the picture, see any familiarity? Well very strange and rare occurrence according to one of the locals. I guess the Singapore fish really miss me.

But the best was on the last day, really unexpected, using only 30lb line as the leader and the same old telescopic 14ft rod from our past fishing if you remember the surf casting days, well guess what, this big 21kg whopper turn up, first mulloway in Kalbarri for me landed and according to the local, the normal size is about 4-8 kg, sizes like these are only seen once or twice a year even in Perth. I had no guff, just a box of bait, some hooks and that rod. It took me about 15 mins plus of fight but something interetsting I just learn, the harder you pull the harder the fish fight and cos is on a telescopic rod, I can't put much pressure and also my leader is only 30lb while the fish is at least 40lbs. Thus I manage to control the fish and it didn't seems to feel hook until the last part when it was near the beach. It was hook just on the edge of the mouth, using my modified gang style and also on squid which normaly most anglers don't catch using squid as they normaly use mullet or mullie. Anyway, the fish came and had to pull the leader to beach the fish and when it was on the beach, the hook came off,what a relief and later realizing how small my hook was compared to it's mouth. Well that is an experience as later out of the blue locals started appearing and sending their congrads to me.

Well anyway, that's all for this year fishing in Kalbarri, and I am now trying to enter that picture for the local competition.

BTW, I saw another coral trout pulling up from your boat, I must have strated a coral trout craze now...hahah. Anyway you take care and God bless.

Hope to see more of your fishing pics.

Pond Angler's Update 4 October 2004 -

 with a little coaxing, I managed to get my friend, an experienced pond fisherman, to share some of his pond fishing secrets. Here's his first entry.

My name is Den the Pond Angler. I love love love two things, no three. I love RACING cars but nowadays no money and no time and no where. Also love FISHING and last thing of course love what everybody love lah, but no need to say.

I always go pond fishing in Singapore. Nowadays only got few ponds got Pasir Ris, Marina South and got some small ponds at Yishun, at Auntys pond and at Jurong and at Farmart and one small freshwater one at Pasir Ris. Also got fishermens village pond at pasir ris beach.

My favourite pond still Pasir Ris becos so big and got some big fish and ok cost. Pond fishing got many styles. Got long rod torpedo floater style, got long rod play parking, got long rod pull slowly, got short rod floater, short rod lure, short rod pull slowly. Easiest style to sure catch fish in Pasir Ris is long rod parking style.

Got many types of bait too. Got Kembong, live prawns, tamban, live fish, lures, dead prawn meat and other nonsense. Mostly I use live prawns becos cleaner but must see what method and what bait working for that day. Sometimes one day the fish all bite live prawns, sometimes the fish all bite kembong. Very funny one.
Most common fish is Kim Buk Lor or Barramundi, then got many other types. Got Mangrove Jack (Chia CHor), Golden Snapper (Ang CHor) , Grouper, Red Drum (Taiwan Ngor), Kim Chew (Golden Pompano), Star Snapper (Hai Kueh Bu), Red Snapper (Ang Kueh), Giant Trevally, Golden Trevally and Diamond Trevally.

Yesterday I go Pasir Ris pond with live prawns play slow pulling at Saudi. Total catch 7 kim buk lor, 2 taiwan ngor and 3 ang chor. Biggest one is Taiwan ngor 2 kg, the rest all good size for eating. Next time I go I report again.


My Singapore Fishing Experience by Randy Moran – 20 August 2004

My job as an engineer has brought me to this island republic where, without a doubt, I have developed friendships and built up fond memories during my relatively short stay. Having grown up around Australia’s Northern Territory, around Darwin and later in my teens, the Cape York area fringing the legendary waters around the upper Barrier reef, I have grown to accept that Saltwater Barramundi are in fact, the most exciting lightgame sportfish to target. Never did I expect, despite all my piscatorial dream adventures in the NT catching wild Barramundi up to 30 pounds, to experience what I would call a true NT experience in Singapore. Here is an account of that amazing trip.

Like on any other fishing trip, I had trouble sleeping the night before, conjuring images of leaping Barramundi and pondering over the lures I would actually use when the time came. I had come to know Clive through a mutual friend, and this local angler sure seemed to know his stuff, as we discussed trolling techniques, yes TROLLING, and lures over dinner one night. He mentioned a place we could troll for Saltwater Barra and I was hooked!

So here I was, tossing and turning the whole night, wondering if fishing in Singapore was any different from fishing the Daly river system or the sprawling Mary river, where on some days, Barra were so thick you’d have to spend more time fighting and reviving fish than actually waiting for them. Of course, there were days that were slow, and a single fish would be considered a good catch. Anyway, I had brought my gear from Australia, and most importantly, my lures.

At 8 am on Sunday morning, I was already at the dockyard, rubbing my coffee-starved eyes, watching Clive launch his little boat. He told me it would be one of his last trips on that little fishing boat, and he was changing his boat to a bigger family boat. Good choice mate! I always say family comes first.

I’ve been told to keep the spot a secret, but the general location is about 15 minutes of high speed travelling north of the dockyard at Changi Loyang. We soon found ourselves readying our lures in the calm water. I went with a six-inch blue Barra Bait, with a 2 foot 20 pound leader, while Clive tied a similarly large black and silver Reidy’s directly onto his line.

Moving at about 5 knots, we settled on a slow troll towards the first known snag, with our lures trailing about 30 yards behind the boat. I had made a comment on how the landscape looked so similar to the landscape in NT, and I mentioned my surprise at finding such rural scenes in the modern day urban jungle of Singapore when Clive made a suggestion that we watch out rods closely, as we were now just over the snag, and big fish could be detected by the fish finder. I found the fishing so much like the fishing I had always done back home, where fish and snags were located over the sounder in relatively shallow water and our lures bumped right into the snag.

I had just decided to hold onto my rod when I felt the first few light bumps as the lures bounced over the snag. Then WHAM!!! My rod was almost wrenched from my hand as a monster of a fish grabbed my lure. Stunned Clive had no chance to move the boat into open water, as was the usual practice, because out of the corner of my eye, I had seen his small rod take the most wicked bend that I thought would snap the rod in two. DOUBLE HOOKUP!

Line was screaming all over the place as we both struck gold at almost the same time. Then the leaping came. First, there was a half hearted head shake in an eruption of water towards the rear of the boat and I almost choked! The head that emerged from the water, with my blue lure firmly entrenched into a corner of its mouth, looked absolutely monstrous. If I thought the NT Barras were big, then this one was a DINOSAUR! The head itself looked as large as a man’s and when it shook its head in a fierce rattle, all I could do was stare into the golden eyes of the biggest damn barra I had ever seen!

Then there was the speed! Drags were screaming in high-pitched whines, and even with full strike drag and thumb pressure, the fish was moving out into open water as though I was on free spool! But heading into open water was the fishes’ greatest mistake. I was still losing line fast and thumbing the spool with a really hot thumb when Clive’s fish leapt clear out of the water and, though only slightly smaller than mine, I knew that his was way over 20 pounds!

We must have crossed over and under each other’s rods over a dozen times to prevent out lines from getting snagged onto each other’s, as the two mighty fish battled fiercely to get away. They must have conspired well, for on more than one desperate moment, our lines came so close to being tangled. And if that happened, not one, but perhaps even both fish would be lost. But patience and good tackle paid off, as slowly, we could turn the fish and pump them in, though not without the occasional run, jump, and headshake.

Mine was tiring faster, perhaps because of its greater weight, and after about half an hour of serious, arm-cramping battle, a magnificent 4 foot long silver Saltwater Barramundi lay exhausted on its side beside the boat. After such an amazing battle, I knew I had to release the fish, but not without a weigh-in. Quickly assessing the situation, and glancing at Clive still struggling with his brute, I decided to quickly net and weigh mine. And what a shock I received. This fish not only broke all my records through the years in Australia, but it weighed in at an amazing 36 pounds!

Clive’s fish soon came in and we weighed it in at 23 pounds, a biggie in every aspect, but 36 pounds? I still shudder when I think of my Barramundi.

When we were both reviving our fish for release, sweat pumping from our foreheads, I suddenly realized that we had struck a Barramundi Bonanza less than 5 minutes after starting the troll. There was the rest of the morning to go. After we watched our fish swim lazily off on their own, we were ready for a second run over the snag. And we were not disappointed. Another five fish made their way onto the scales, with none below 20 pounds, and all were released to fight another day. By the time the morning was done, we were all exhausted and I was convinced that this was, indeed, the most exciting and surprising trip of my life! Saying this coming from an angler’s paradise in NT came as a shock to Clive, who always thought nothing could compare with NT.

Well, surprise Singapore! You’ve got an angler’s paradise in your own backyard!

Best Wishes,

8 Jan 2004 - No 3 - lureman Chai's second contribution. 

Looks like he's gonna be a regular contributor.

By Chai 7 Jan 2004 Lurefishing (2nd Contribution. Scroll down to read his earlier contribution at your own risk. I don't even know how to edit his stories because of his amazing linguistic abilities! I'll see if I can cut and paste the photo here.)

Wah I surf surf surf Conrad's website until sekali I kena dam big shok man!!! I see myself own photo dam young man. Very skinny lastime too. I think is 1980 something every Friday Conrad alway bring us go marina bay throw lures. He teach me how to throw lures, hold the gao he and oso many times release the fish. Lastime Conrad oso so skinny I see him now want to laugh already.

I remember ah lastime got no money we alway sangkot lure must go swimming one. Oh Ah Bey AH SOM! then poor guy kena rescue the lure swimming in Marina bay. So many times my leg kena cut on stupit banarcels but onetime Conrad leg cut dam bad man alot of blood. Luckly he still can take taxi go home. Then oneday ah, another kaki Cheong kena poke by donno who left some hook lying around on the floor. We kana go SGH see him get rescue by doctor. Then doctor oso scold us say fishing so waste time and then oso can kana poke. Worse part is ah dat day the fish dam on man! almost evry cast oso kana gao he. got big, got small. then sekali Cheong shout aiyo aiyo we oso kan cheong.

Eh? i forgot i suppose to write my own story. Bt lastime we 1980 something catch and let go the fish dam fun, now evryone working no time meet and go together already. sianzzzzzz.

Eh? i forgot again must write today's story. After work today I got 3 hours free i go marina bay throw lures again. I chio another fren Ah Boon go wif me but he sianzz lah kana working OT.

I start near the longkang in front of marina square with black rapala shadrap again and throw in fan shape every ten steps. Yah. this is the hut shelter where lastime cheong kana poke by hook. still down here. this spot dam good we kana many gao he here and i kana one GT here before 2 kilos best catch here man!!!
About 100 over meters still no bite hand abit tired liao walking nearer small longkang in between big longkang and benjamin sheers brige then kana sangkot basket! here got one big rock in front of the small drain sometimes kana gao he but today kana sangkot. shake shake shake oso cannot comeout. then boh pian use lure retriver lah. when lure retriver almost ready my lure sardenly float up heng man!

Then i dring water wah shiok and continues to walking and thorwing my rapala . Little while my lure kana huntum by good fish and fight little while the gao he come up about 500 grams. Quite big already i think i want to bring home cook but then take bus dam difficult so aiya let him grows bigger lah next time i catch him again ok?

After dat fish abit more but tired liaozzz and kana donno why got so much rubbis in the water today. Regret let go the fish already too late. somore if go home take picture can bluff people is 1 kilogram fish. but cannot bluff Conrad lah he oso lastime catch the gao he from here how many years already all standard size one.

After dat no more fish no more bite only got bung bite dam itchy then got ant bite dam pain then i also no mood already then go home lor. next time i tink i keep the gao he. but i tink can throw back lar or else nextime i come here wait no more fish.

Tonight i surf Conrad's page see my old picture oso happy lor, then i write story for him.
tight lines!

from lureman Chai

From Conrad - Here are some pics from our luring days in the eighties. We looked so skinny then.

Second contribution by my friend Ryota a Japanese expat who has been fishing so long in Singapore he is more experienced than he thinks he is. We had good times fishing at East Coast in the past. Looks like he's still fishing there.

-No 2 - By Ryota San 3 Jan 2004 at Singapore's East Coast Pipes

Hello. I am Ryota Tamura Originaly from Japan but now work in Singapore many years. I enjoy fishing from shore and bring my children and colleage along most times. I help Conrad write a story now. Saturday we go Singapore's East Coast to fish at the Pipes jetty where is more desserted and hope for stingray or sea bass with live prawns. Once in a while, after Conrad showed me this spot about 14 years ago when I first ask him where is good to fish in Singapore, I like this spot because less people and sometimes we manage to catch big stingray and sea bass about 2 kilograms. Not always we catch but sometimes luck helps us to catch good fish. Sea bass sashimi also nice.

That day I bring 4 rods 2 long and 2 short and 500 grams live prawns and Gamakatsu hooks very sharp. 2 rods I cast far and 2 rods I cast near the pipes. Water is low at first in early afternoon and no bites. I let my children play in the pools when the tide is low, they use a net and catch small fish. A lot of kaki (oyster in English) but Conrad said cannot eat because risky and can fall sick. My daughter accidenttly fall inside one pool but only wet not hurt.

No bite for very long time then one rod move slowly I know is not current because of erratic movement. Looked like crab pulling I try to strike but never hook the crab and my bait come back half piece.
Sun is very hot and we wait very long and I go and watch a man catching crabs when my colleage look after the rods. He got no crabs that day. Then my colleage shouted my name and tell me one short rod has fish. I run fast and see one rod bending very much and the fish is swimming inside the drain underneath. I strike and the fish pulled the drag and swim more underneath until my line rub on the floor. My rod is too short to put lower so cannot prevent the rub. Then my line burst and fish escape. I think is big sea bass because when sea bass bite here it swim underneath and we caught a small number in the past this way but this one too big I cannot stop the fish.

Then my children ask why my long rod line is so loose and not tight because I teach them line must be tight. I knew the fish has bitten and is swimming inwards from far way because I cast this one far. Yes this one I wind and strike and my line start to go outwards to the open water and many people come and see me catch the stingray. It came in after a while about 10 minutes and quite big about 10 kilograms but I don't eat stingray only catch for fight so I bring the fish towards the beach walking along side of jetty and let him go. One man ask me for it I think but he speak not English but I think is Chinese and I don't understand propery but nevermine I let him go. My children also enjoy and my colleage take my photo too.

Then we fish some more but sun is very hot and when my children complain after some hours almost evening any way so we decide to go home. Is a day with one fish only but is good day
because friend and children and me also enjoy nice fishing and open space because Singapore like Tokyo is very crowded and when we can find free space and time we always happy.

Singapore's East Coast is good. We come again next time. My story ends. Hope you like.

R Tamura

First contribution by my old friend we call the lureman. Mr Chai.

-No 1 - By Chai 25 Dec 2003 Shorefishing - lures

Wah see Conrad's kbl until sliver all comeout. i bueh tahan go and throw lures at spore river myself see can kena kbl or kao he like lastime when conrad and me always throw lures at marina bay.

Lastime we catch fish from marina always throw back one. groupers alot man. but if put in plastic bag and take bus dam troublesome one so we always throw back unless dam good size for makan.

Now he alway go on boat I cannot follow cos alway seasick and vomit. He say got no waves, not choppy but lastime i try with him five minutes already vomit and beg him go to jetty. Now I help make contributions from lure fishing from shore.

okok i get on wif my report. Yesterday i go spore river outside boatquay throw lures for 3 hours. got some fish, very fun still, but scared smaelly so all throw back.

my lures i use rapala shadrap all the way. i noe conrad always like nilsmaster invincible but i say it don look like real fish. shadrap look like asam fish or tamban. ya hor, nilsmaster got look abit like Orh Her mullet, maybe thatswhy so many times he also can catch fish.

i thot going to rain so bring raincoat everything but skali so hot and then got to carry raincoat walk around so troublesome one. luckily cast a few times already kena a small grouper, only a bit bigger than palm size. throw back lor.

i walk to opposite side near the bridge and cast paralal to the wall and then kena sangkot. Basket! luckily brought my lure retriver and save my lure. this one save me alot of money man!

then i neber learn lesson and cast same spot again, then kena sangkot again basket. luckily, shake shake abit the lure float up and safe again.

then i cast away from the wall 90 degrees and wind back fast, and when my lure almost reach back i kena big strike! wah i shouting all sorts of words when the fish take out so much line and swim towards center i thot i kena GT. then i saw the bumboat coming and then kan chiong panick lor. tighten drag and make the fish turn in.

luckily the line can tahan andthe bumboat neber come so near , dam heng man.

then the fish jump, kbl big one about 3 kilos. jump many times then tired liao come near to the wall, then i remember the wall dam high cannot reach the water. basket. i see the fish like peng san on its side come near the wall i also dunno wat to do. if i try to pull up sure snap one so how? one passerby then very helpful tell me he hold my rod i climb down. wah liao he siao or what, the wall how to climb down? nothing to hold oso! but he still help me hold my rod and i boh pian take out my lure retriver try to pull the fish up. i saw conrad lastime also use lure retriver pull up one big grouper from this spot before so i think this one can also.
i thought can and pull up halfway but skali the fish so heavy the hooks also straighten and then the fish fall back in. catch and release haha.... want to cry alreadi what laugh.

everybody also shout when the fish fall back in so dam sway one man! now conrad sure tell me i talking rubbish cos got no photo to show him. this one bigger than the last one he got down here about 3 years ago.
i so sad sit down there and stare at my straight hooks then change the hooks and walk further down and try again.

few more cast then kena another grouper but bigger than first one about 400 g also throw back. spore river still got alot of fish donno why people don fish here. lastime conrad and me 2 hours can get 5 or 6 groupers sometimes got GT or barracuda somemore. Nowadays i come myself also got fish most times, but mostly grouper and baby mangrove jack, i noe is conrad's favrouit fish.

aiya type until hand tired liao, got 2 fish yesterday neber lose lure good alreadi. somemore got fight big kbl but conrad sure dont believe one. onli the people all stop to watch me fight will believe. next time i ask them take picture for me.

i think next week i come and try again. wah liao type fishing story more siong than throwing lures, hand all pain alreadi. next week i try to type one more, see if conrad like this report.

tight lines!

from lureman Chai! - end of report.