Saturday, June 27, 2015

2015 June. An Aussie outback experience to remember.

In June 2015, I had the privilege of going to the Pilbara in Northwestern Australia to experience Threadfin Salmon fishing like never before. That mud crabs were everywhere was an added bonus.

I met up with my brother in Port Hedland, and we camped out by some rivers with his native Australian friends for an experience that words can never fully describe.

I started by casting for live bait. The tide was really low at first, and I caught several mullet.

When we arrived at the river, the tide was low, and I set off to cast for live bait. As the tide started rising, the fishing began, and never really stopped.

These King Threadfin Salmon started coming in with the tide, and they just kept on coming!

.. and coming!
Almost every cast was met with a huge pull, a strong fight, and sometimes we landed them, while sometimes we lost the battle, but we just had to bait up and cast again and another fish would be there.

When the tide got a bit higher, I noticed mud crabs swimming around just at my feet, and could not resist scooping them in my landing net.

We ate several of these for dinner that night. There was a whole pile of them.

The mud crabs were a pleasant distraction from fishing, but the variety of fish was amazing too, with Mangrove Jacks, Garoupas, Giant Trevallies, Wolf Herring and Blue Threadfin appearing. The Wolf Herring ended up becoming the best bait.

My brother with a muddie he picked from a hole in the mud.

This secret spot of my brother and his friends really seemed like a dream come true! The strongest and most common fish was actually the Blue Threadfin.

These are the Blue Threadfin, which were more common than the King Threadfin, but much stronger.

I want to go back there man!!!