Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2014 Chinese New Year Fishing Period - Amazing Ubin!

Fishing around Pulau Ubin has been wonderful lately, with several extraordinary catches I never really expected, especially a Panther Garoupa (Barramundi Cod/ Lou Shi Ban) which turned up during the Chinese New Year Period to become the main dish of our New Year gathering.

My first ever Panther Garoupa or Barramundi Cod was caught during the CNY period in early Feb 2014. Didn't know we had them around Pulau Ubi. The first time I saw one caught was more than 20 years ago at Horsburg Lighthouse. Finally I've caught one myself.
During the 2014 Chinese New Year period, I went on three trips around Pulau Ubin, and all three were great! First was a short New Year's Eve trip after work with Kings and Bryan to catch at least one respectable fish each for that night's Reunion dinner. Nothing beats super fresh wild caught fish on Chinese New Year's Eve right? How many families get such a privilege? Well, we got some nice Garoupas for dinner... perfect sizes! And the families loved the dish.

Here's what we caught on Chinese New Year's Eve itself. Fresh Garoupas for dinner. Yay!
Then a few days after Chinese New Year itself, since there was a public holiday, we decided to go for another short fishing trip. This time, more interesting fish showed up, like Red Snappers, Golden Snappers, Stunning Greasy Tiger Garoupa crossbreeds and a Mackerel, can you believe it? All from around Pulau Ubin.

This is Kingsley's magnificently coloured Garoupa.
Bryan surprised all of us when he used a Metal Jig at Ubin and jigged up a Mackerel. That's a first too!
Looks like Chinese New Year 2014 brought many firsts for us. Let's hope for great catches all the way!