Thursday, November 30, 2000

2000 Sep-Nov Pre-wedding fishing

Fishing Log

Really busy now with my wedding just around the corner... these fish were caught during short 2 - 3 hr trips after work. Some Pics even have me in my working clothes. Lots of Snapper, Desmond was lucky with lots of Garoupas (amongst other things, haha)... September's always good. (See September 1999 Pics)

Des and I had a good time at Malang Tiga just off Tekong when we hit some nice Snappers before a big storm came along.

Didn't have time to edit any photos to size, just dumped them in. Dunno if this page will take a long time to load. The last photo is of me holding a 4 kilo Barra. Would you believe it? The guy behind me, Oliver, was actually calmly fighting a 2 kilo Snapper while this picture was being taken. That was the last shot from this roll of film, the catch that day was good, so I went back to shore and bought another roll of film. That roll is still in the camera... really no time to fish now that my wedding's just around the corner. Hope I'll have time to fish after my honeymoon in December.

The excitement of a big Garoupa can get a guy calling out the wrong name for the landing net... very funny trip.

Girls are good at fishing too. Fought and landed a big ray sometime in Oct too.

I'm posing with my big Barra from the Snagpile with the last shot on the roll of film, and Des only managed to get half a fish in the pic. Oh Man! By the way, Oliver behind me was fighting a big Snapper while the photo was being taken - doesn't he look calm? Des caught this nice Garoupa on a jumping rolling handline - our favourite style in 2000.

 Most of these trips were short, 2 hour trips. Top row: Jes before wedding; Another Barra; Mel and Hai Larn; Des and Garoupa. Middle row: can you see Kevin's police patrol boat closing in behind me? He came to check on the catch; Junio, the fishing expert, with a Diamond Trevally; Clarence and I relaxing. Bottom row: Kenny and JJ show that good things come in pairs.

Finally got married and flew to Mauritius for a fishing honeymoon. Landed my biggest fish there. Big Tuna, a 300kg shark, Big Trevally, Big Dorado. No pics for the internet except for this 25kg Dorado (we landed 5 of those before going for other fish).