Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Finally, an update on fishing around Ubin and the Southern Islands

Somehow, the problem with Facebook hanging on my laptop stopped, and so I can transfer some of my Facebook photos to this blog. Made several trips from June to August, and the catches are still not too sloppy. Let's let the photos speak for themselves.

The latest trip on 31st August produced some reef fish, with Eudon landing the catch of the day... a nice Coral Trout.
After a few years' absence, the Horizontal Angler strikes again.
On 24th August, the usual Ubin trip produced the usual Ubin fish... Garoupas and Kims. Hamzah, Hafeq, Balya and Kings came along.

17 August was fun, with Berkley landing the catch of the day, a nice big Barramundi, on her little pink Ugly Stik.
17 August. Dexter landed his own Barra and Sindy caught a tasty Flathead which we used for BBQ that night.

17 August. We had a yummy BBQ dinner that night, featuring succulent Barramundi and Flathead.

10 August was another great day, with plenty of reef fish, and Erwyn landing the catch of the day, a big Coral Trout which we had for dinner that night.
10 August Catch. Erwyn couldn't wait to taste the fish.
Erwyn's Abu rod shows that it can really take the pressure, but I think his fish swam into a snag.
3 August was the day I landed this 3kg Parrotfish, which was cooked in 3 ways. Head was braised, one side was Hong Kong steamed, and the other side was used to make soup, all at Great Atlantis.
June and July 2013 produced good fish, with Bryan landing this beautiful Tiger-Giant Garoupa Crossbreed on metal jig.
Kings landed this nice Coral Trout and Erwyn fell in love with it immediately. Fortunately, he managed to land one of his own a few trips later.
Back for Summer Vacation, someone decided to go for a swim.
Quite a number of nice Barramundi showing up in Ubin during the June to July period.
Alan, Dexter and Erwyn enjoying the catch of the day in a Macho manner.
OK, looks like this update is over, and the fish are still biting. As long as Facebook doesn't cause my laptop to hang, I should be able to update this blog regularly.