Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Metal Jig Success - GTs and Ubin with the Kids

Went out with the kids on 13 Nov at Ubin, landed a few nice Kims and a big garoupa that didn't have a chance to get a proper pic before we ate it at the floating restaurant, haha.

The Kids waiting at the front of the boat

Waiting for the bites at the back of the boat

Hong Kong Steamed Garoupa
On the 12th we had a trip to the Southern Islands for some light jigging. Bryan contributed the pics and short write-up.

Nadine with her first ever GT. On a metal jig too.

Bryan with a 10 lb Giant Trevally - GT for short

Here's what Bryan wrote:

Today's fishing started slow. Couple of groupers over what seemed ages while drifting. Then when we decided that the bite was too slow we shifted to some reefs and were all rewarded with specimens that were delivered on metal jigs. I was the first to score on a 10lber GT which delivered a blistering run which turned my spool hot, followed a double hook up of smaller about 5lber GT with Nadine. Totally stoked for her as it was her very first fish on jig. Kingsley too was not left out as he delivered a solid ebek on jig and finally to round off the day con took an ebek just over the kilo mark. 

Bryan shows that it's all about the shorts
Kings makes the Hunter Stick Gang proud with a decent Ebek