Saturday, February 20, 1999

1999 Jan to Feb

From left to right: a nice 3 kilo Garooupa landed by gaff, the usual catch at Rivermouth, Cephas, Howie and I hit a school of Golden Snapper in a heavy downpour.

Do fish bite...

during a downpour? Well, I guess the pictures answer the question. In fact, I find the onset of a downpour marvelous for fishing. However, there are a few dangers such as getting your camera wet and spoiling it (and ruining all the film inside with shots of magnificent fish). But the biggest danger lies in the weather itself. Rain by itself poses little danger, but rain with wind can be HELL !!! Here's to those tough guys who have shared cold, wet, windy, shivery nights on my boat with me!!!

From left to right: Dennis puts the pressure on his fish with a G.loomis and Calcutta 100 set; safely landed, a nice healthy Diamond Trevally; Oblivious to the rain, Francis tries to prevent his fish from diving into the rocks while Jeff looks on; it turned out to be a 2 kilo plus Garoupa; Howie and Edmund with a 10 kilo Ray, just after losing a fish which almost spooled him out on 20 lb braided line. 

Action pics are hard to take...

... you never know when a fish is gonna take the line and whether it's gonna fight long enough for you to snap a pic.

One trick is to hold on to your camera while the angler casts out his line. Then you wait. HAHAHAAAAAAAAA...

The other way is to keep a camera handy and DON'T HESITATE to take it out of the bag or case the moment somebody's rod bends. Then, of course, you've got to quickly position yourself well and hope that the fish cooperates by pulling out a little drag so that you'll have enough time to snap some award-winning photos!!!