Saturday, August 30, 2014

2014 August - targeting Spanish Flag Snappers and Parrots

August, being a busy month at work, left me little time to fish. When I could go out to sea, though, I made sure to get the type of fish I was targeting. One of my favourite food fish, the Spanish Flag Snapper, were in town, and I heard they were pretty large too. I wasted no time heading down to the Snapper spots with Snapper rigs.

One of the tastiest fish available in our waters, getting large ones in good numbers is like hitting the jackpot. 
On another occasion, three generations of Tans came along for a parrotfish hunting trip. Des brought his dad and his son along, and the son requested some Parrotfish. Off we went to the reef for some Blackspot Tuskfish.

Here's a selfie taken while driving the boat. Three Tans and a tanned man.

Mid-sized parrots were around in good number, though I lost a huge one early in the trip. Parrots are tough dirty fighters, which make for pretty good sport on light gear.

Young angler with some of the fish we caught that day. Spot the coral trout.
Overall, these two August trips provided some nice relaxation time amidst a busy work month. Can't wait for October to arrive.