Friday, December 23, 2011

2011 Log - Gao Tun!!! Conrad's Fishing Facebook Group

Not many blog posts for 2011 because I send most of my pics direct by phone to Facebook. Check out Conrad's Fishing Group if you're interested.   During the Dec hols, the kids came along for some fishing fun at Ubin, where the waters are calmer.  
Isaac with his first wild Barramundi. Nice size too. So easy to catch at Ubin.
The ever reliable Ubin Barramundi will always be fun for the kids.

In the cabin the kids take shelter from a brief downpour.

A nice Golden Snapper came to thrill the kids. Being a strong fighter, everyone was amazed by its power.
 They had fun in wet weather conditions.
This beautiful Mangrove Jack came to join in the fun.

She fought this Grunter which put up a really good fight.

Of course the Northeast Monsoon brought in the Trevally schools. Too many disgusting Chermin, but at least they put up a good fight. The Sagais were the real target. Erwin, Chng and Hokkien Pro joined me at the Southern Islands   2011 Septemper, October and November were excellent too.  
The big Sagai like these started coming in around November.  
We got a few, when conditions were right.  
But this has got to be my best fish of 2011, a muscle bound Giant Garoupa that showed up in Ubin amidst a Garoupa festival. A true fighter, it put my light gear to the test and almost straightened my hook. I had to jam my drag on the Spheros in order to pull this one out of the snags.  
  Ubin Lao Di Fang keeps producing these wonderful Garoupas. Everyone enjoys catching fish like these, right?   2011 April - Predicting the end of personal websites    Looks like the end of websites like this is near. In 1999, I formed this website. Then around 2004, personal websites started giving way to blogs and this ended up more like a blog. Now of course, there's facebook, which makes it so easy for me to upload pics and even videos, even when I'm not even home after a fishing trip yet.   So that's where my fishing pics have disappeared to, if that's what you're wondering... FACEBOOK. So until the next big thing on the Internet happens, facebook is where u'll see my fishing updates from now on.   Thanks for following this site for so long, I have received lots of email over the 12 years of this sites existence. It will probably exist as an archive until dear old Pacific Internet folds, cos that's where this site has been hosted ever since 1999.   Take care everyone, it's been a fun 12 years, but I guess age catches up with everyone, and I have to move along with technology. See you on my facebook group (which I'm actually still trying to figure out, haha!) Some recent pics on my fb Conrad's Fishing Group   Erwyn's last trip before he flies off to the US of A. 13 Aug 2011 landed 7 nice garoupas and 8 Snappers.   Here's one I caught, and below that the Anchor with the Angchor.  
Another Lao Di Fang Garoupa
Biggies like these are still around

Caught some nice little Anchor like these.. oops, I meant Angchor. Oh well, both are good.
  Good Feeling is still producing the Barramundi.
Last week everyone on board landed at least one nice Barra, and I topped it off with a biggie Barramundi.
Whenever I need to relax, I go to Ubin, park at my Barra spot, and catch beauties like these.
 Landed plenty of good fish in 2011, together with some Mangrove Jacks, Snappers and Kurau, and of course - the mighty Barramundi! Here are twins I landed when everyone was busy catching their own Barramundi.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Aug to Oct - feasting continues, jigging begins

Albertus and his international friends join us for some Ubin fun. B & N are firm regulars now.

On August 20, 2011, we had a change of crew when Albertus and gang joined us at Ubin. Nadine was the champ with a big Garoupa. We all caught some nice fish. Then the traditional meal at Great Atlantis continued.

Nadine can't wait to tuck into her big Garoupa cooked two styles here. This time  Teochew steamed tail portion and the head portion was done Photophores style. Unbeatable!
The happy girl with the fat Garoupa taken off an old double wreck at Pasir Ris.
29 Aug 2011. We landed good fish again and this time it's Kings who can't wait to try out the Wild Caught Steamed Snapper.

3 Sep 2011 was productive too. Lao Di Fang keeps on producing these 2-4 kg Garoupas. 
3 Sep 2011. Here we are back at the boatel With Erwyn gone, Erwin has come to replace him, haha.

Erwin with his 'FBrother' Hokkien Pro
On 17 Sep 2011, Quasimodo joined in the fun. It bit and burst Karen's line, I told her I'd catch it for her, let down my HK Hook and landed Quasi (furthest right) with Karen's hook still in its mouth. Typical Lao Di Fang action.

2011 Oct. Southern Islands. Something took Bryan's metal jig. He had been jigging the whole day. Now he was going to be rewarded. 

An intro to metal jigging for Bryan. His first Garoupa on metal jig at the Southern Islands. Looks like its gonna be the next big thing.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Goodbye Erwyn - special video

2011 Aug 13, Erwyn's last trip before flying off to the States for studies. We'll miss him, and I know he misses us.
So after a hectic few months of fishing, feasting and having tonnes of fun, Erwyn has to go off to the States for his studies. Good luck buddy, and study hard. Come fish with us again when you come back.

2011 Aug, Dexter helps with the Teochew Steamed Garoupa. Farewell meal.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Log - Bryan, Nadine, Dexter and Alan - fishing and feasting

March 6, 2011. Nadine caught a Kurau on her first trip out. Great Atlantis opened and the tradition of eating the catch of the day immediately upon reaching shore began. Big Tua Tao, fresh fish, good beer and BEST company!

During this period 2011 Mar to Jun, Erwyn and Bryan started fishing with me regularly on most Saturdays. The opening of a great Seafood restaurant at Punggol helped to kickstart the tradition of eating our best catch after reaching shore. Prices started low, but recently got higher and higher... gotta start looking for alternative venues.

This trip in April was like most other trips that season. Plenty of good fish, good food, giant tua tao and GREAT company. Kings and Karen regularly joined in the fishing and feasting too.

Lao Di Fang was always firing up with good Garoupas, Mangrove Jacks and Snappers. Then if we wanted Kims we would head to Good Feeling.  There was not a single trip with a poor catch this season.

We were still having the feasting and fishing fun in May. Erwyn and Dexter  were always up to something.
During this 2011 May trip, when the boss found out we had big Whiting (Sua Chiam or Pasir Pasir), he insisted on deep-frying the fish for us, saying it was a chance we should not miss. Indeed the Whiting were wonderful!!!
By 2011 End May, even Chng and Hokkien Pro joined in the Fishing and Feasting as the big Garoupas and Kims never failed to show up. And Erwyn gives a thumbs up!

Here's a close of of the dishes that day. Live Barramundi HongKong Steam, Live Garoupa HongKong Steam, Mangrove Jack Teochew Steam and soupy Lala Bee Hoon.

In 2011 Jun, Erwyn was so happy with his big Garoupa I think he must have taken more than a dozen photos with it.
The fishing was great and the food was excellent. The company was amazing! No wonder we kept going over and over again.

This is how they prepare big Garoupas. Half the fish is steamed Hong Kong Style and the  Head Portion is made into soup - usually it's the Garoupa Photophores Soup which is a soup that is not commonly found and tastes so good, you keep yearning for it time after time. Once in a while, we eat the wild boar that's caught at Lim Chu Kang too - very tender.
In July 2011, the Southern Island Garoupas and Snappers also started firing up and here Kings shows how nice and fat they are.

Nice glistening Snappers are always a welcome catch. July 2011 Southern Islands.

Altogether, this 2011 Mar to Jul period was a memorable period of fishing and feasting. Here's to more amazing days like these!