Thursday, October 21, 1999

1999 Sep to Oct Ubin's Three Kings: Barra, Snapper and Garoupa

From left to right: A nice Red Emperor before a storm; Healthy Golden Snapper; Golden twins; Desmond with a Queeny; Releasing the Queeny. 

Here's a quick summary of the recent trips...

Although the 8 kilo Barra was the highlight of the past two weeks, there have been other significant catches as well.

  4/9/99- morning trip... Desmond, Linus and me went around Ubin and I hit two large Snapper while Desmond C&R a Queeny. Linus hit a Garoupa and there were other small stuff.

5/9/99- 2 hr trip. Me and my gal went out and caught some Garoupas for dinner.

10/9/99- day trip... Boon Liang (Snow), Hong Neng, Davis, Weng and I went half way around Ubin and caught some Grunters, Garoupas, a Sweetlip, a Blue-spotted Ray and some other stuff.

10/9/99- night trip... Sau Pin and gang from NUS and NTU came with me but the water was cold and all kinds of Catfish were the order of the day. I caught a decent Snapper somewhere among the Catfish though. Sad night.

11/9/99- day trip... when the sun rose, Des, Krista and me hung around Ubin in the morning where I caught a decent Grunter and we caught some Soapies (young Jewfish). Then we zoomed off at high speed to Tekong where the Chermin were (supposed to be), but ended up flying kites instead.

19/9/99- day trip... after a hard week at work I was back at sea again to de-stress. What a day it turned out to be!!! An 8 kilo Barra showed up! For the full story, go to the Barra Story Post 19 Sep 1999. I've put up the pic of Wong with the special 'sign of Barra' Tanda in this Gallery. Never look down on the Tanda... those who have read my 9 kilo Garoupa story will understand.

Overall, the fishing was great... except for the day the water was cold. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks.

From left to right: Jes with a dinner Garoupa; Grunter and me; Davis with a Garoupa on lure; Garoupa with a 65kg Hong Neng. 

From left to right: Weng with a nice Grunter; a bunch of buddies with their catch; THE SUPER TANDA thanks to Wong 

Here's a further update:

260999: Jengwe and gang came on board for a night trip, went through some rough weather, and came back to shore in the morning with a decent catch of Barras, Snappers and Garoupas. (Biggest fish during the trip was a 2 kg+ Barra caught by yours truly)We even got a bonus of 2 nice flower crabs which were entangled on a piece of broken net I hooked up.

021099: Winston and his friends came for a day trip and went back with the usual three types... Barra, Snapper and Garoupa. Winston caught the biggie of the day ... a 2.5kg Garoupa. Terrible weather again... we got sunburned and drenched.

091099: Alex, Haoming, Sean and Ghee came for a day trip which was marred by highly polluted water in the morning. It was a wet day but we still managed the usual three of Barra, Snapper and Garoupa (and some other stuff as well). Haoming bagged Gold with a Barra of 2.4kg.

Well, it seems the baitfish are coming in and this should signal the start of a good wet season ahead... just be prepared to get drenched. 

From left to right: A healthy 2 kilo plus Barra; Winston with a 2.5kg Garoupa; Roland with small Barra. 

From left to right: Haoming with a nice 2.4kg Barra on 091099; later that evening, I caught this small but feisty Snapper just before going back

So far, Barramundi, Snapper and Garoupas are showing up with in good numbers. These are Ubin's Three Kings.